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2023 March Update

Kenneth Katch | Published on 3/9/2023

March 2023
Well here it is March and I'm looking out my window at cold, grey, sleet.It doesn't feel much like spring driving weather but it will be on us sooner than we think.I hope you've uncovered the Jags and are starting to give them a little TLC in prep for our first driving event of the season.
Last month the club had a rousing visit to Medieval Times as described below.And soon we will be at Rick and Colleen Gunther's for a St. Patrick's day celebration soon followed by our first driving event of the season on April 1.The calendar is filling up with events that offer a great variety of ways to get involved with the club and meet the members.I am hopeful to get a picture of each of you at an event this year.
I have recently been contacted by someone who purchased an XJS that was once in our area.As happens about twice a month they are hoping to find a little history.Their inquiry is below, if you could help them out please contact them.I know other clubs have been very helpful as I researched my Jags.
I joined the JCNA a few days ago as I recently purchased a 1993 Jaguar XJR-S which has been shown as being originally sold in Illinois. Besides being an unusual model, it is also one of only two in Flamenco Red, more details here
According to the CarFax, she was in Illinois until mid 1998, showing inspections in Wauconda and Wilmette.
I was wondering if anyone in your section had any recollection of her, or even better, records, maybe at a concours or something similar.

Very Best,

Pascal A J Maeter

The JCNA Annual General Meeting is coming up.If you are needing some reading to help you get to sleep the complete agenda and reports for the meeting are available here23 AGM packet
That's it for this month.There is still time to sign up for the St. Patrick's day party and be sure to get the events on your calendar for our driving season.
Get out and drive-soon,

Welcome new members Doug and Bev Powers
Arlington Heights, IL.
Doug has a long history with Jaguars going back to a 67 E type he bought in 1970.He then experienced the joys of daily driving an E type including driving in the rain at night and having the lights go out along with a damp seat from a footwell filling with water on the way to a job interview!
Doug remained undeterred as he owned several more Jags before moving from a 2001 XKR to his current 2019 F type R.He and Bev have a history of motorcycle touring and plan to fit right in to our Jaguar touring style.
Some of you have already met Doug as his first event was our Medieval Times evening.Welcome
Our Next Event
St. Patrick's Day Celebration
Rick and Colleen Gunther's Home
Friday March 17
Food, Fun, Games, Prizes!

MT Knights

Illinois Jaguar Club at Medieval Times

On Saturday, February 25tha small but hardy lot of IJC members gathered at Medieval Times in Schaumburg, Illinois.

The evening started by everyone being entertained by some beautiful horses doing a number of different dressage performances. After a lot of banter between the Queen and some nobleman, the show got down to business by the Queen offering a toast to a safe and exciting performance. This definitely pleased our members in attendance

Once the battles started, the drama was almost as intense as professional wrestling match. Michael (who I was sitting next to) and I both agreed that all the knights needed was managers talking smack and they would give the WWE a run for their money. Only problem for our revelers was that we were seated in the blue section. That means we had to cheer on the Blue Knight.

Well, rooting for the Blue Knight didn’t work out so well. He was the first one to get injured and taken off the battlefield during the preliminary fighting. Then, the Queen decreed that all the battles would be to their death that night. We anticipated great things! Think of the rags to riches come from behind story this would be. But the crummy Blue Knight blew a head gasket and was the first to go down during the ensuing battles to the death also. Very disappointing, but somehow we managed and all in all, it was a pretty entertaining evening.

Ron St. John


Current Event Calendar
March 17 St. Patricks Day celebration @ Rick and Coleen's
Mach 26 Swap Meet and Auto Jumble, DuPage County Fairgrounds
April 1 Drive to the Historic Auto Attraction and Lunch
May 20-21 Spring Drive to Iowa to see the Hoover home in Iowa
June 2-4 Champagne British Car Festival, Bloomington, IL
June 16 Scottish Highland Games and British Car Show, Itasca, IL
July 8-9 Mad Dogs & Englishman British Auto Fair, Gilmore Museum
July 29 IJC Concours
Aug. 5 Heartland British Auto Fest, LeClaire, Iowa
Aug. 12 Drive to Nachusa Grasslands and Bison
Aug. 27 Geneva Concours, Geneva, IL
Oct 29 Fox River Trolley Museum
Details and registration for all events is available on the Event Calendar.Events