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February Update

Kenneth Katch | Published on 2/5/2023
February 2023
Welcome to our second issue of the Monthly Update.The club will use these updates to communicate news, new members, short stories about our last event and reminders about our next event.I hope this format keeps you more informed about what's happening with the club and encourages you to join us at an upcoming event.If you have suggestions on the format or content please respond to your humble webmaster.
It's sunny out there and I have the itch to get a Jag out of hibernation but a look at the thermometer at 10 degrees cures that quickly.It will soon be spring and the cats will be out to play but for February we will have to be content to gather and swap stories of warmer times.Speaking of which, why don't you join us at Medieval Times on the 25th for an evening of feast and fun.We had a great time playing mini golf at the Puttshack in January and are looking forward to keeping the fun going on the 25th.
We have a couple of new members to introduce this month, John and Rosemarie Feeney, and Walter and Jane Myers.They are definitely car people and I can't wait to meet them in person.We just completed the annual membership renewal process and currently stand at 107 members with a few stragglers yet to renew I'm sure.
The event committee has been very active in adding events so get your calendar out and start planning to join us often in 2023.The spring drive is looking fascinating and the non club British car activities always find a group of us participating.I know I joined the club to meet other Jag enthusiasts and drive my Jags but found it doesn't happen if I don't get it on my calendar early!
Well I'm headed to the garage to sulk about letting that really cool 6 speed F type get away on Bring a Trailer and dream about sunny 60 degree top down driving.See you at an event soon,

Welcome new members John and Rosemarie Feeney
Arlington Heights, IL
John and Rosemarie recently moved to Illinois from Colorado to be closer to children and grandchildren.They have experience with German and Italian cars, even running an all Italian car show for charity in Denver.John had previously dabbled with a couple of Jaguar project cars but didn't get into the British car scene until a friend turned him on to E types (we do love to spread our addictions!).Seeing a beautiful 63 convertible at the NYC Museum of Modern Art sealed the deal and he purchased a 66 which is currently going through a full restoration.
Welcome, we hope to see your E type soon but please bring the "Mercuar" and join us at an event.

Welcome new members Walter and Jane Myers
Urbana, IL

After a lifetime of owning and working on more than a few Porsches, an Alfa Romeo Giulia, and a few years of looking, Walter finally found his first Jag about a year ago, a low milage 2000 Jaguar XK8 convertible.

Walter was a Chair at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine at Springfield, Illinois before his retirement. So we know he is good at planning and executing and has a knowledge of East Central Illinois.Maybe we can look forward to a nice drive south in the future?

Welcome, looking forward to meeting you and that pretty Jag soon.

Our next event is dinner and a show at Medieval Times on February 25.If you've never been to this venue you are in for a treat.The horses have amazing talent and then, of course, hunky knights and beautiful damsels!It should be another fun event with time to greet old friends and meet new ones.But we have a minimum number of participants we must meet so don't delay registering.

Current Event Calendar
February 25 Medieval Times Dinner and a Show
March 17 St. Patricks Day celebration @ Rick and Coleen's
April 1 Drive to the Historic Auto Attraction and Lunch
May Spring Drive to Iowa to see the Hoover home.
June 2-4 Champagne British Car Festival, Bloomington, IL
June 16 Scottish Festival and Highland Games, Itasca, IL
July 8-9 Mad Dogs & Englishmen at the Gilmore, Hickory Corners, MI
July 29 IJC Concours
Aug 5 Heartland British Auto Fest, LeClaire, IA
August Drive to Nachusa Grasslands and Bison
Aug 27 Geneva Concours, Geneva,IL
Sept 10 Chicago British Car Festival (BCU), Palatine, IL
Oct 29 Fox River Trolley Museum, South Elgin, IL
Details and registration for all events is available on the Event Calendar.Events