I hope you had a fun July 4th and that everyone still has their driving digits intact!By the booms in my neighborhood there were plenty of illicit fireworks around.Dolly and I spent the evening in the basement!
The Scottish Highland Games were better than ever with great weather and all the activities that go with it.It was good to see club members turn out.I somehow ended up with a free round of whisky tasting so really enjoyed the day-or so I'm told.If you have pictures please share them.
Maybe some of you are prepping to attend Mad Dogs & Englishmen this weekend.I wish I could join you but I need a weekend in the garage to get a car ready for our concours as the next weekend I'll be judging the concours at Elkhart Lake in conjunction with the vintage race weekend.Speaking of the IJC Concours thehotel block closes July 8so make your reservations now!Better than driving home after being entertained by Burt at the banquet.As a reminder I'm repeating last months announcement below:
The most important event for the IJC is our Concours on the 29th of July.Be sure to put this on your calendar and prep your Jaguar for trophy competition, display or just stop by and see the show cars and meet our members.Even if you can't make the show be sure to make plans to attend the banquet.The Best in Show trophy will be awarded at the banquet and our guest speaker is the renowned author, racer, journalist Burt Levy.Burt is the author of the Last Open Road series of books and a very entertaining speaker.And Adele's has a dinner menu that looks fantastic.Book your hotel room soon!
Our new members this month are David and Michele Burdo from Oswego.Welcome!
Don't forget that the club charity Drive Toward a Cure for Parkinson's kicked off their 75 days of Summer event.See the website for details.
This has been perfect driving weather and there are so many opportunities to join fellow club members at an event.Get that cat out of the garage and join us!I hope to see many of you at the Concours and especially at the banquet.